Your truck bed is exposed to all sorts of troubles. One the one hand, you have natural elements, such as rain, sun (UV light), oxidation, corrosion, extreme temperatures, and so forth. On the other hand, you are probably putting your truck bed under a lot of pressure, always loading something in and out of the […]
Tech Talk
Best DIY Bedliners: Spray-On and Roll-On Kits (With Buyer’s Guide + Surface Preparation)
Bed liners are essential if you plan to do some major hauling or outdoor trekking with your truck. When doing any of those, it’s likely your truck bed can get dinged. Heavy loads and rocks can easily scratch the pickup bed. The elements can also weather the bed’s paint. Bed liners protect your truck bed […]
Best Paints for Brake Calipers – Buyer’s Guide
Caliper paint is used for both protective and aesthetic reasons. They have to be durable and aesthetically pleasing to meet the consumer’s requirements. In this article, we are going to discuss the nature of caliper paint: what it is, what is it used for, what are the advantages of using the caliper paint, and so […]
Best Engine Paints – Buyer’s Guide and Reviews
A high-quality engine paint job can greatly enhance the appearance and presentation of a vehicle’s engine. Because of this, most show car owners will gladly spring for a custom paint job for their engine blocks in order to take their vehicle to the next level with the additional WOW factor that completes their overall presentation. […]
Best Chassis and Truck Frame Paints – Rust Prevention
Your truck’s chassis acts like a skeleton. It holds your vehicle together structurally. When exposed to the elements, especially with regular off-roading activities, your vehicle’s frame can be vulnerable to unwanted rust. So, it’s pretty important to inspect it regularly for faults and corrosion. Over time, rust can damage the frame, affecting the chassis’ integrity. […]